The 60s
Do I think selective culture phenomenon of youth groups in the 60 became mainstream or available to the commercial market? I believe that some of the crazy back in the 60s eventually became more accessible to youth, and ultimately, everyone hopped on the trends. And when one thing gains a lot of popularity, it drives the market to sell that one thing so many people can buy it. So now I don’t think the underground communities could survive without going mainstream an example of the music of the time was new genre music was written, and the youth hooked onto it. At this time, the youth had money, so they bought into this new trend, making it popular and losing its unique exclusive community. And eventually, when the popularity of these trends and 30 years in the future, they become so popular again it’s a constant repetition of cultural movements.
In the 1960s, new materials inspired new products and the ideas of science and industry to engage the process. Now I do think it works today as much as it used to. Some of the pictures back have changed dramatically, especially when working and the industry itself. Today The world seeks the new best thing in this including products of design, so I don’t think we’re so removed from the 60s, yet by the rate at which we produce the products.I do believe we have jumped forward quite a bit we have more choices more diversity more of understanding in the design and product development.